Birthday Cake Mix Cookies

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!! “We’re Calling Shenanigans” officially turned one year old today! We’d like to take a moment to thank you all for your support and feedback throughout the year. We’ve had a ton of fun, and we can’t wait to see what year #2 will bring!

We decided to throw our blog a birthday party! (As you can probably tell, we’re those girls that also throw birthday parties for our pets. Crazy cat ladies anonymous, get ready to welcome your newest members.) We’re very excited- we’ve got party hats, banners, streamers… the works! Of course, we couldn’t let this occasion pass without getting into some sort of birthday shenanigans. After all, what would our blog party (which we’ve decided to call a blarty) be without testing out and serving some birthday-inspired Pinterest projects? Very off-character for us, that’s what.

While scrolling through the myriad of birthday cake ideas on Pinterest, we decided it would be more fun to make birthday cake alternatives rather than an actual birthday cake, because Pinterest was full of them! Odd stuff too- birthday cakes made out of watermelon for example, and even some birthday chicken wings.

We decided to make these birthday cake cookies (plus a couple more things- stay tuned for our other birthday shenanigans!) because they’re adorable and if they work, they’re like tiny, portable birthday cakes! So let’s get started, because we’re calling shenanigans!

birthday cookies

First you’ll need to take a deep breath. We actually made a recipe from scratch this time. We know it isn’t really our style, as we like to save ourselves and you some time in the kitchen (plus dorm living kinda limits our cooking abilities). But we promise you can do it! Here are the ingredients you’ll need:

  • 1 cup butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup dark brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cups Funfetti cake mix
  • 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup sprinkles
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
  • 2 cups coarsely chopped Birthday Cake Golden Oreos


Leave the butter out to soften to room temperature. Then use a mixer to cream the butter and sugar together for about a minute until it is light and fluffy.


See? Light and fluffy! (And pretty unappetizing- we promise it starts to look better.)

cookie mixture

Add in the eggs and vanilla extract and beat until smooth.


Keeping your mixer on low, slowly add in your baking soda, salt, flour and cake mix. Make sure you don’t overdo the mixing! If you beat the batter too long it can get tough instead of staying light. Only mix until the batter just comes together!

birthday cake-flavovered-cookies

Chop up about 2 cups of the birthday cake Oreos (about 18 Oreos) into big chunks.

chop birthday cake oreos

Fold the Oreos into the batter. For those of you who aren’t sure what that means (no judgement, we’re here to help), “folding” something into your batter just means adding it in gently. Generally you pour whatever the ingredient is into the middle off the batter and use a spoon to gently “fold” the batter over the ingredient and slowly integrate it in.

add birthday oreos

Now fold in your chocolate chips.

add chips

Last ingredient! Finally, fold in your sprinkles.

add sprinkles

Now leave the batter in the fridge for at least two hours (we left ours overnight).

birthday cookie batter

Once your batter is sufficiently chilled, roll it into balls and place them on a cookie sheet about 2 inches apart.

baking birthday cake cookies

Bake them for about 9 minutes at 350 degrees.

bake birthday cake cookies

All done! Now you’re ready to celebrate Shenanigans-style!

We were quite pleased with this Pinterest project. The cookies are delicious, and so much fun! They’re moist and gooey, but the sprinkles and Oreos add a bit of an unexpected crunch that makes them all the more yummy. They taste like the best cross between a birthday cake and a cookie- there are definitely hints of both, but they come together perfectly. Expect your mouth to be confused but happy.

The cookies also get bonus points for looking so darn cute. The sprinkles and the Funfetti cake mix made them really colorful!

birthday cake fun fetti cookies

We can’t wait to serve these at our blarty tomorrow! Be sure to check back for updates and pictures of the other shenanigans we whip up, plus any Pinterest projects that our friends decide to try their hands at to celebrate our coming of age!

Shananometer- hot chocolate balls

In the meantime, check out some of our other baking shenanigans:

   black bean brownies       Unique-birthday-cake          Marshmallow-sheep-cupcakes

Black Bean Brownies       Homemade Birthday Cake Numbers            Sheep Cupcakes

About The Author


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8 Responses

  1. Joann

    Happy Shenanigans Birthday girls!! Look forward to another great fun year. Those cookies look awesome can’t wait to try them. From scratch, wow that will be a first for me.

  2. Sinead

    Congrats on your first year! Love your blog, keep up the good work 🙂

  3. shellyjaronsky

    Your cookies turned out beautifully! So glad you like them 🙂