Easy Girl Scout Cookie Cupcake Recipe


It’s the best time of year – girl scout cookie time! As a former girl scout myself, girl scout cookies always hold a special place in my heart. I think that it is amazing that starting this year they are allowing girl scouts to set up websites to sell their cookies online, which will give them experience and tools that I believe are very important moving forward. Anyways, as usual, I bought a few boxes of my favorite flavors: Caramel DeLites and Thin Mints. Below is my super easy, but amazing (according to my family and friends) recipe for girl scout cookie cupcakes!

What you will need:

  • 1 Box of Caramel DeLites (if you can’t find Girl Scout cookies, you may be able to get away with some other caramel/chocolate cookie)
  • 1 Box of White Cake mix (along with the eggs and oil it requires)
  • 1 Container of Vanilla Icing
  • Cupcake liners (or grease your pan)
  • The chocolate syrup is in the picture because I thought I was going to use it to decorate the cupcakes, but I ended up not using it.




1) Mix your cake mix according to the box, and preheat your oven to the temperature on the box.


2) Pour your batter into a cupcake tin. (If you do not use liners, grease your tin throughly)

3) Chop up your cookies into fine pieces ( I ended up using about a quarter of a chopped cookie per cupcake).



4) Sprinkle the chopped Caramel DeLites into your cupcake tins. The reason that I did this after pouring them in the cupcake tin is because they all fall to the bottom of your big bowl of batter, if you add them before.


4) Bake according to the box (mine was about 15-17 min).


5. While the cupcakes are cooling, chop up more Caramel DeLites and mix them into the vanilla icing.


I used a zip lock bag to pipe the icing onto the cupcakes, but found it easiest just to use a knife. And there you have it- Girl Scout Cookie Cupcakes!

Sit back and enjoy your Caramel DeLite Cupcakes!


These turned out delicious, if you try them be sure to share a picture on social media, and if you are looking to buy Girl Scout Cookies online go this link and type in your zip code. It will then set you up with a girl scout in your area!


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