Easy Halloween Treat: Chocolate Witch Hats

I was looking for some super easy halloween treats for kids and I came across these super easy Hershey’s Kiss and Oreo witch hats, and they look too easy and adorable not to try. This is hands-down one of the easiest shenanigans ever, but they are still super adorable. 🙂

What you will need:

  • Oreo Cookies
  • Vanilla icing
  • Hershey’s Kisses
  • Green Food Coloring (I find the gel is the easiest to handle)
  • Orange OR Red/Yellow Food Coloring


Start by putting icing into 2 containers, making one green and one orange. (You can obviously make them what ever colors you want but I thought green and orange would be festive for Halloween).

Next, split your Oreo in two and use the side with no icing on it (splitting the Oreo optional, you can use the Oreo together and they are still adorable). Dip your Hershey’s kiss into the icing and stick it on top of your Oreo.

And you are all done!



So cute! If you try them out be sure to share them on my facebook page!


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