Happy almost 4th of July! What says summer more than some s’mores and fireworks?! That’s why we decided to test out making some patriotic themed homemade marshmallows for our s’mores! In this recipe we will be making red white and blue marshmallows for the holiday, but keep in mind you can use this tie dye marshmallow recipe to customize them with any colors you want!

So as usual we went on a Pinterest hunt to find a good recipe to test for our red, white, and blue tie dye marshmallows and decided to adapt this recipe from StudioDIY. You can watch the how-to video below, or scroll down for steps with photos. Also, shout out to my friend, Jackie for helping out with this shenanigan! 🙂

What you will need:


  • 3 – 1/4 oz packages of unflavored gelatin (you should find it near the normal JELLO packs in your super market)
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • Water (1.25 cups divided)
  • 1 cup of corn syrup
  • 2 tbsps of Vanilla Extract
  • Powdered sugar (have at least a couple cups on hand)
  • Gel Food coloring (in what ever colors you want your marshmallows)


  • Sieve (for your powdered sugar – Click here to see the type we used)
  • A small pot
  • A thermometer (you might be able to do this without it, but I definitely recommended)
  • Pan (the smaller the pan the thicker your marshmallows will be, we used a 8 x 8 pan)
  • Electric Mixer (If you don’t have a standing mixer, you NEED someone to help you)
  • Scissors (to cut the marshmallows)


1) Add your 3 packs of gelatin and 3/4 cup of cold water to a large bowl and let it sit. This will be the bowl that you end up mixing in, so if you are using a standing mixer, user your bowl that goes with it.


2) Add your 1 cup of corn syrup, 1/2 cup water, and 2 cups of sugar to a small to medium pot. Stir and heat of medium until it starts to boil. When boiling turn the heat up to high and cook until the temperature reaches 240 degrees. If you don’t have a kitchen thermometer, Click Here to see the one I use, it is one of the best investments you can have if you cook regularly. If you don’t have a thermometer, this took us about a minute and a half on high. (NOTE: it looks like it might boil over when you first turn up the heat, but the bubbles will actually calm down as it gets hotter)


3) Next start mixing your gelatin/water mixture on slow speed, and very carefully pour the hot corn syrup mixture in to the bowl while it mixes on the slow speed. Be very careful not to burn yourself. Once combined, mix for about 1 minute on low speed and then turn to high speed for 5 minutes.


4) While that mixes, cover your pan in a layer of powdered sugar, using your sieve. Watch our video above to see how.


5) As your mixer approaches 5 minutes, you should see the mixture start to get very fluffy. Once the 5 minutes is up, turn on slow/medium speed and add 2 tbsps of vanilla extract.


6) Next take your mixture and divide it between 3 bowls. Since we are doing red, white and blue. we just left some white in the original container and put some in to 2 more bowls. Then add get food coloring until it is the color you want.


7) Start adding blobs of each color into your sugar coated pan randomly until the pan is full.


8) Once all marshmallow fluff is added, use a skewer to swirl it together.


9) Then cover with another layer of powdered sugar.



10) After coating the entire thing, use your hands to press down on it to make sure all the air pockets are taken out. (this feels super weird)


11) Let it sit out over night (we covered it with a microwave cover because I felt weird not covering it at all, but you don’t want to put it in an air tight container because it needs to dry out.

12) The next day, shake off excess powdered sugar on the top, and use a knife to loosen the edges and then pop it out of the pan. Watch our video to see how we did it (it is easier if you have another set of hands).


13) Use scissors to cut your giant marshmallows into the size you want. This was easier than we thought it was going to be. (Pro Tip: add a little bit of olive oil on the scissors to keep from sticking too much).


14) Once they are the size you want, cover all sticky sides with a layer of powdered sugar. Don’t worry when you shake it off the marshmallows will still be very bright!


Enjoy your delicious red white and blue marshmallows on their own or for s’mores! We ended up taking half of them and cutting them into smaller marshmallows so you can use them to decorate or as a sweet snack. Just remember that each time you cut them, you need to add a coat of powdered sugar to it to keep them from sticking to each other and other surfaces.





If you are looking for a few other red, white and blue recipes check out:

Hidden American Flag Cake 
Cheesecake Strawberry Bites
Red White and Blue Cocktail 


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