My name is Kristen, founder of We’re Calling Shenanigans.
I have always loved crafting and baking, bright colors, and playing with my food. I love 50s fashion and 60s music, and my favorite show is I Love Lucy! I created We’re Calling Shenanigans after I began attempting fun projects on Pinterest and realizing that most of the pins didn’t show appropriate step-by-step instructions and weren’t as easy as they seemed. I try out these popular products and Pinterest projects and get down to the truth — so you can learn from my mistakes and successes! That’s what We’re Calling Shenanigans is all about!
I rate every project on my “Shenanometer” to reveal the ultimate verdict on the Projects we try. Will I “Revoke” or “Call Shenanigans”? — Follow me to find out and see all of the Pinterest Projects we try. Also, if you want us to “Call Shenanigans” on any specific project comment with the link and we might feature that project on an upcoming blog or video!
Along with my Pinterest Shenanigans, I also share fun projects, recipes, and products that I think you will enjoy. You can see some of my most popular projects here.
Advertising/Public Relations – I have been featured on several other popular sites, including Buzzfeed (twice), Yahoo News, and The Whoot. I currently have an average of 25,000 views a month, and over 3,000 extremely engaged Facebook fans (with an average weekly reach of 8,000), and some of my posts have over 100k repins. Please contact me if you would like me to “call shenanigans” on your product. I will be completely honest in our reviews to ensure that our readers receive the best information possible. Email me at for more information about my advertising policies.