Happy Holidays! We're officially done with finals and we could NOT be happier to be having a break. Well, from classes that is- with working, blogging, Christmas shopping, singing (Amelia) and sports (Kristen) ...
We've entered the Twilight Zone of the Holiday Season. We're sure you're familiar- Halloween is over, and all of the sudden its all about Christmas. Malls are starting to have Santa available for children to ch...
Yea, we know that we're 21 and that Halloween is generally intended for the under-13 crowd, but we adhere to the fact that it's an awesome holiday. The dressing up aside (...
Happy Friday!
We're happy to report that it has stopped reaching the 90's here in Florida, thank goodness. We can finally start drinking hot tea and hot cocoa and enjoying pumpkin spice lattes the way they wer...
We don't know about you, but we're feeling 22!!!
Or at least our friend Jenn is- she turned 22 recently and as per our usual custom, we wanted to make her some sort of delicious treat to celebrate....
We've entered the thick of the semester and if there's something we need, it's comfort food. We're starting to think that all of our professors actually meet up and schedule weeks like this on purpose- surely t...
If you guys follow us on FaceBook, you know that lately we've been working very hard on a few hair and beauty shenanigans to share with you all. It's really fun to get dolled up, but we went a little overboard!...
As the mercury continues to rise, there's only one thing on our mind: the next time we can hit the pool or beach. However, given that Fall Semester started this week, our time to catch some rays and relax pools...
Update: Our blarty was a total success!
For those of you who are unaware, "We're Calling Shenanigans!" turned one year old on Saturday, so we had a blog party ("blarty") to celebrate! A bunch of our friends ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!!! "We're Calling Shenanigans" officially turned one year old today! We'd like to take a moment to thank you all for your support and feedback throughout the year. We've had a ton of fun, a...